Leading by stepping back
A reflection piece exploring the spread of Asset based thinking across housing, health and adult social care
By William Lilley
Development of a Method for Asset Based Working
It is worth acknowledging, asset building occurs naturally in many of the poorest and most deprived communities – because it has to and without it communities cannot survive and thrive. This work builds upon, amongst others, the work of the likes of John McKnight and his peers at the asset based community development institute in Chicago, who took what they observed in these communities and formalised the approach.
Continue reading →ABCD – Working in Wandsworth – the story so far
Bringing new models of working to community settings poses unique challenges. Marc Mordey explains how everyone involved in the Vintage Communities project in Wandsworth is working towards success.
Continue reading →A Glass Half Full
How an asset approach can improve community health and well-being
The health of everyone is improving; but the health gap between socio economic groups remains. Improving health requires us to tackle this social injustice and close the gap in health inequalities. This includes the inequalities in life expectancy, in illness and in health and wellbeing. We now have a clearer understanding of the links between mental wellbeing and physical health and the contribution that social determinants make to our health.
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