This is a guidebook is designed for participants of Art of Participatory Community Building and the shorter Participatory Community Building workshops. It is not a substitute for attending a workshop and is designed to enhance the workshop experience and to be used as a point of reference for your future practice.
The Art of Participatory Community Building (AoPCB) is the brainchild of Dee Brooks and Michelle Dunscombe who utilise participatory processes in their community development/building work across the globe.
AoPCB blends patterns, practice, processes and principles from Asset Based Community-led Development, Art of Hosting, Appreciative Inquiry, and other strengths based methodologies. During a workshop not all contents in this guidebook are covered as we co-create the content with a local core team to support where each community is on their journey of community building. The guidebook offers an insight to the range of patterns, practice, processes and principles available to support local community-led efforts.
We trust you will enjoy the Art of participatory Community Building workshop. We always welcome suggestions for revisions to the guidebook and love to hear how you adapt an.
We acknowledge the work of John McKnight, Jody Kretzmann, ABCD Institute, Mike Green, Henry Moore, Peter Kenyon from Bank of Ideas, Alison Mathie, Gord Cunninghamand Brianne Peters from the Coady Institute, Edger Cahn, Paul Born from the Tamarack Institute, Jim Diers, Toke Moeller and the global Art of Hosting community, Peer Spirit, Circle Way, Jack Pearpoint, David Cooperrider, Jackie Stavros, Denise Bijoux from Catalyse (NZ), Mary Alice Arthur, Harrison Owen, Juanita Brown, David Isaacs, Terri Bailey, Audrey Jordan, Leila Feister, Otto Scharmer, David Snowden, Jax Wechsler from Sticky Studios, Mark Friedmann , Kathy Jordain, Jerry Nagel, Chris Corrigan, Deborah Frieze, Margaret Wheatley, Samantha Slade and Frederic Laloux. We appreciate their generosity in making available the materials used in this guide.
If you have this guidebook and haven’t participated in a workshop and would like to join a workshop, please contact Dee or Michelle at Jeder Institute. Dee and Michelle have developed a 3 day Train the Trainer program if you are interested in developing your knowledge further to deliver your own trainings and workshops.