Sit back grab a cuppa and enjoy this month’s Jeder Yarns offering. We hope you enjoy the stories, events, tips and tools below. As we all start to emerge from the our COVID restrictions, we urge you all to continue to take care, keep following the advice from our Chief Health Officers and…
- Remember physical distancing – keep at least 2 arms lengths or 1.5 metres between you and others
- Maintain good hand hygiene by regularly cleaning hands thoroughly with soap and water for a count of 20, or use an alcohol-based hand rub.
- Use a tissue and cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze to try to catch it and throw the tissue away.
- Do not touch your face or eyes with your hands
- Avoiding close contact with others, such as touching, shaking hands etc.
- If you know anyone (family, friends, Workers) returning from Overseas you could ask them to stay away from you for 2 weeks
For the past 9 weeks Dee, Michelle and Fiona have been hosting the “Day’s Starting with T” Teaching and Learning Series and we have included a couple of videos from the series in this edition, we hope you enjoy hearing from Angela and Wendy. The recordings of all sessions are available on our YouTube channel. The series will continue through June so drop by zoom on Tuesday or Thursday at 8am or 8pm and join the conversation – See our social media for each weeks topics.
The team at Jeder are excited to be working on new community building offerings and have been able to adapt all our current offerings to virtual platforms. Contact us if you are looking at ways to support community capacity building initiatives.
See you next month.
Stay warm and Stay safe.