People just like you in your community have incredible ideas whether its to start a new group or to get a local project or initiative started, the challenge can some times be where to start. We often don’t know what the first step is, who we should speak to or if anyone would be interested in our idea.
The Community Project: Idea to Action Planning Kit is designed to help you take the first step. It will help you to bring your idea to life. It will give you handy tips, guide you through planning process, help you to consider how to get others involved and give you some tools to use. The tools and tips are written in user friendly language to help you apply them to your project or initiative.
We have provided links to where you may be able to find funding to help you move your idea into action.
We always recommend you share your idea with others and invite people to join your team (often called core team). Of course, this helps spread the work load and it supports the design and sustainability of the project to have the input and contribution of others. Collaborating and getting involved in our community is a positive way to address local concerns, capitalise on an opportunity and helps create a community that encourages learning and working together.
We hope you find this toolkit helpful.
The Jeder Institute – Community Building Team
This toolkit is intended as a guide only and it is up to you to decide how you will use the toolkit.