Inventing Organisations: an emergent response to growth

The paradox of bottom up community development and top down consultancy Written by Dee Brooks The Jeder Institute is a strengths-focused, not-for-profit, messy, imperfect, next-stage organisation, based on decades of asset-based community development and person-centred practices, blended participatory leadership approaches and is uniquely based on our own member-led horizontal governance platform. Power and Participation As…

Discoverables, not deliverables

Download Discoverables, not deliverables: Turning gifts into actions! By Dee Brooks One way to discover the gifts that you, and others, can offer your community is through an exercise we call “5H’s” (you can find examples of how you might facilitate this as an activity by clicking on the link above). Based on the ABCD…

Community Development | Dee Brooks: Connect, Don’t Collect – The Art of Community Asset Mapping

Dee Brooks, Agitator, Blender and Chief Hugger of the Jeder Institute, provides a brief overview of Asset Mapping to truly mobilize communities. Please join the conversation around community development and the asset-based approach to community development, leave a comment and let us know your thoughts. And hit the subscribe button to follow us. About Communities@Work…

JUL 2020

Jeder Yarns Newsletter – July 2020

Download July Newsletter As COVID-19 continues to have an impact across Melbourne and Sydney, our thoughts are with the amazing health care workers, support workers, neighbourhood and community houses and the incredible volunteers, who are tirelessly working to support people across our communities. Whilst COVID might have grounded our community building team, Dee, Fiona and…

Place Making: before you make a place!

Written by Fiona Miller   Placemaking is a multi-layered approach to the planning, design and organisation of public spaces. Placemaking focusses on the broad spectrum of all local community assets. It creates places and spaces that promote connection, good health and wellbeing and can bring happiness. Good Placemaking is: Community driven and collaborative Relevant to…

MAY 2020

Jeder Yarns Newsletter – May 2020

Download May Newsletter Sit back grab a cuppa and enjoy this month’s Jeder Yarns offering. We hope you enjoy the stories, events, tips and tools below. As we all start to emerge from the our COVID restrictions, we urge you all to continue to take care, keep following the advice from our Chief Health Officers…

APR 2020

Jeder Yarns Newsletter – April 2020

Download April Newsletter Hi Everyone, It is a delight to be landing in your inbox this month. We hope you are all doing well during this time of COVID. All of our team are still supporting communities and NDIS participants during this time either via virtual means or face to face with increased protection and…

Jeder Yarns Newsletter – Feburary 2020

Download Feburary Newsletter Hello from the team at the Jeder Institute. We’ve had a very busy start to 2020, our NDIS team have been implementing a new Customer Relations Management system, we’ve started developing our Reconciliation Action Plan (Click HERE for details if your organisation doesn’t have one) and Michelle and Dee from our Community…