Early Intervention & Prevention

Download By Graeme Stuart, Dee Brooks, Cherie Stephens, Caravan Project, Family Action Centre & University of Newcastle. Early Intervention and Prevention An Australasian Focus Caravan parks play an important role in pathways in and out of homelessness; and many marginalised residents are currently, or have been, homeless (Stuart, 2007). Because of their clearly defined boundaries…

Caravan Park Project, Big Ideas Grant

Download Using ABCD with transient caravan park communities   The Caravan Park Project has been developed to support residents who live in caravan parks, because they have few or no other housing options. Using an asset-based approach, the Caravan Park Project has a Big Ideas Grants (BIG) scheme to help fund initiatives that residents identify…

Person-centred, Community-driven (PCCD) Practice

Blending Person Centred Thinking and Asset-based Community Development has been both a natural progression of two powerful strengths focused approaches yet, has also been a challenge in discovering where the intersections and borders are within the stand-alone frameworks and philosophies. Person Centred Community Driven practice delivers an experience for people that shifts mindsets towards a…

Who Cares

Who cares? A few months ago, I started some conversations (which some people might call ‘work’) with 14 multi-cultural community leaders in Sydney who are seeking ways to collaborate and learn from each other plus, share their strengths with the broader community. For example, one of the Afghan leaders told one of the African leaders…