Community Economic Literacy and the “Leaky Bucket”

Download Coady International Institute Occasional Paper Series, No. 9 March 2011 Gord Cunningham This paper offers a “how-to” guide for constructing and using a popular economic analysis tool called the leaky bucket. By documenting its use for community-driven monitoring of the main flows of money coming into and out of the local economy, the paper…

Art of Participatory Community Building – Bristol 2018

Art of Participatory Community Building – Bristol 2018 Date: 10th – 12th July 2018 Location: Bristol Core Team: Terry Black (Bristol City Council), Dee Brooks, Tracey Cabache (Torbay Community Development Trust), Michelle Dunscombe, Rich Holmes (Barnwood Trust), Martin Simon (Freedom Favours) Many of the challenges faced by individuals and communities require transformational change, which can…

Participatory Community Building – Blacktown 2017

Asset-Based Community-Driven Development (ABCD) Immersion Workshop Date: 27th – 29th November 2017 Location: SydWest Multicultural Services, Blacktown, NSW Hosted by: Dee Brooks, Om Dhungel, Michelle Dunscombe, Peregrin Chiara & Rachael Eyles Many of the challenges faced by individuals and communities require transformational change, which can best be achieved by focusing on the strengths within. Ways…

I’ve been thinking…

….about Hosting Community Written by Dee Brooks Mike Green and Henry Moore of the ABCD Institute were onto something, years ago, when they coined the phrase “leading by stepping back” as a successful way to work within a community. Many years ago, when I was frustrated with how ABCD could be applied in transient communities,…