Reflections of a Reluctant Apprentice

By Kerry Hartigan

I know that not all participants end up being practitioners. I know that not all stewards have been apprentices.  I believe that there are natural AoH practitioners who come with innate wisdom and experience, without ever joining an AoH gathering. I began to wonder what it would look like if people were asked: ‘Tell me about your AoH journey?”

The Art of Coasting Stewardship and Beyond!

By Dee Brooks and Kerry Hartigan
Art of Hosting, Ballina, NSW, Australia

The Art of Coasting provided a place to “hold space” for ourselves and each other for gentle healing and catharsis and also for genuine learning and growth. As a Core Team, we all left this training feeling like we had equally contributed, we had experienced a deep learning together and we were equally valued.

Designing Deep Dialogue

I’ve been an Intentional Nomad for over 3 years now and to date, participatory co-designing of meetings, forums, conferences and events is the work that stretches me! Due to not having a physical address or community who I live amongst, I have discovered a few ways to strengthen my own global community while supporting others.

Art of Participatory Community Building – Charters Towers 2018

Art of Participatory Community Building – Charters Towers 2018 Date: 2nd – 4th October 2018 Location: Charters Towers, Townsville, QLD Core Team: Dee Brooks, Michelle Dunscombe, Denise Bijoux (Catalyse New Zealand) and Melanie Adams and Tamika Mihill (Prospect Services) Many of the challenges faced by individuals and communities require transformational change, which can best be…

Community Economic Literacy and the “Leaky Bucket”

Download Coady International Institute Occasional Paper Series, No. 9 March 2011 Gord Cunningham This paper offers a “how-to” guide for constructing and using a popular economic analysis tool called the leaky bucket. By documenting its use for community-driven monitoring of the main flows of money coming into and out of the local economy, the paper…