Conscious Co-Design

Conscious Co-Design: creating safe spaces to explore vulnerability in complexity Written by Dee Brooks Locating yourself within a number of given community engagement and development frameworks can be exciting, stress relieving and can open up new possibilities. Patterns in frameworks are as natural, and needed, as breathing; you just don’t know what you don’t know!…

Reflections of a Reluctant Apprentice

By Kerry Hartigan

I know that not all participants end up being practitioners. I know that not all stewards have been apprentices.  I believe that there are natural AoH practitioners who come with innate wisdom and experience, without ever joining an AoH gathering. I began to wonder what it would look like if people were asked: ‘Tell me about your AoH journey?”

The Art of Coasting Stewardship and Beyond!

By Dee Brooks and Kerry Hartigan
Art of Hosting, Ballina, NSW, Australia

The Art of Coasting provided a place to “hold space” for ourselves and each other for gentle healing and catharsis and also for genuine learning and growth. As a Core Team, we all left this training feeling like we had equally contributed, we had experienced a deep learning together and we were equally valued.

Designing Deep Dialogue

I’ve been an Intentional Nomad for over 3 years now and to date, participatory co-designing of meetings, forums, conferences and events is the work that stretches me! Due to not having a physical address or community who I live amongst, I have discovered a few ways to strengthen my own global community while supporting others.