Prepare and Plan
Bring together a planning team to develop a timeline, gather existing plans, background information and reports

Analyse our Position
Gather, organise and analyse information about the organisation. Identify our existing and potential stakeholders, partners and current activities and services. Undertake an environmental scan and a S.O.A.R Analysis

Build our strategy
Take time to review or develop our Vision, Mission, Purpose and Values. Develop our Objectives and the key strategies to achieve them

Develop our Action Plan
Identify the actions that support our key strategies. Set action timeframes, nominate responsibility for the action and develop measures of success

Implement our strategy
The key to the success of our strategy is sharing and communication. All teams, programs and services should support the Strategic Plan

Monitor & Evaluate
Establish regular checkpoints to identify what’s working, what’s not, and what needs adjusting. Evaluate progress and update annually
Strategic Planning Tools
S. O. A. R. Analysis

Our How!
What do we do?
Whom do we serve?
How do we server them?
Today – Focussed on Now

Our Why!
What are our hopes & dreams?
What problem are we solving for the greater good?
What are we aspiring to change?
Tomorrow – Future Focussed

Map our internal & External stakeholders / partners (existing & potential)
Who should be part of the Strategic Planning process?
How do we invite them into the process?
Identify mutual oppertunities.